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Saturday, April 16, 2016

What Now?

This is the message given in the United Methodist churches of the Wheatland Parish on Sunday, April 17, 2016.  The Bible verses used are John 21:1-14.

            As we continue our sermon series, “The After Party”, looking at what Jesus did on earth between his resurrection and the time he went back to heaven, we look at another time Jesus appeared to the disciples.  It’s kind of a simple story, really, but I think that as we look at it, there’s a lot more going on than we might notice at first glance. 
Now this happened sometime after Jesus appeared to Thomas, but we don’t know how long.  So the disciples know, at this point, that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive.  And they’re happy about that, of course.  But they’re really not sure just what it means for them.  They don’t really know what they’re supposed to do now that they know Jesus is alive.
            Peter is with most of the other disciples, and he says, “I’m going fishing tonight.”  Now, understand, this was not going out to fish for fun with a rod and reel or something.  Peter had been in the profession of catching and selling fish before Jesus called him.  And apparently, he still had his boat and nets and stuff.  So when he goes out to fish, and the other disciples go with him, they’re planning to make a big haul and be able to sell it.
            In other words, what it looks like to me is that Peter has decided he’s going back to his old way of life.  Now again, he knew Jesus had been raised from the dead.  And he was happy about that.  But he did not know what he was supposed to do next, or even if he was supposed to do anything next.
We may look at that from our perspective and say, well, surely they should’ve know what they were supposed to do.  But again, we need to try to put ourselves in the story.  Jesus has appeared to them and proven that he’s alive.  But, then he left again.  Did the disciples know he was going to come back?  We’re not told that they did.  In fact, it looks like they were not really expecting him back.
So, in their place, what do you do?  Yes, you know Jesus is alive.  But you also know that things were not going to go back to the way they used to be.  Jesus is not going to lead you and the others around Galilee and preach and teach and heal people and all that.  Maybe you do what Peter did.  With his new way of life gone, and no idea what to do next, Peter decides to go back to the only other way of life he’d known.
            I wonder how Jesus felt about that.  I mean, yes, they did not know if he was coming back, but on the other hand, he’d been with these disciples for three years.  He’d told them all kinds of things to do—love God, love your neighbor, love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, on and on and on.  And now, it’s looking like nothing he did or said to them made any difference.  None of it seems to have sunk in.  Even though they know he’s alive, they’re not doing anything with that knowledge.  They’ve just gone back to being who they’d been before
            I think you and I can relate to that.  I think you and I are quite often in the same position that the disciples were.  Jesus comes into our lives.  We read about the things he said and did.  We say we believe in Jesus as our Savior.  We say we believe he was raised from the dead and is alive even today.  And we’re happy about that.  But we’re really not sure just what that means for us.  Sometimes we might even feel like we should know what we’re supposed to do, but we don’t.  We really don’t know what we’re supposed to do now that we know Jesus is alive.
            And too often, we do exactly what Peter and the disciples did.  We just continue with our old way of life.  It’s like none of the things we read in the Bible about Jesus really make any difference.  It’s like none of it really sinks in.  We know Jesus is alive, but we’re not doing anything with that knowledge.  We just remain who we were before.
            I wonder how Jesus feels about that.  He still loves us—he still loved the disciples after all—but after all, we’ve had these gospel accounts all our lives.  We’ve read all those things Jesus told us to do.  We know them just as well as the disciples did.  In fact, we may know them better, because instead of just hearing them once we can read them over and over again.  We know about loving God, loving our neighbors, loving our enemies, and all that.  But it’s like none of it makes any difference to us.  We know it, we believe it, but too many times, it does not make any real impact on our lives.
            But even if Jesus might be disappointed in us, Jesus does not get mad at us.  Jesus keeps working with us and, in fact, Jesus helps us do what we’re doing.  At least, that’s what he did with the disciples.  Jesus did not get mad at Peter and the rest.  He did not yell at them.  He did not say, “Hey, what do you guys think you’re doing?  Do you think I rose from the dead so you could go fishing?  What’s the matter with you?”
            No, Jesus called them his friends.  And then he told them how they could do what they were doing better.  And when they listened to him, they caught so many fish—one hundred fifty-three, to be precise—that it was almost more than they could handle.
            And when you think about it, that’s one of the things that so amazing about how God treats us.  If we believe in Jesus as our Savior, even if sometimes we don’t particularly do anything with that belief, even if we have not yet allowed that belief to affect our lives in any significant way, God will still bless us.  God will still help us out.  I think that’s really incredible.  I think that shows the amazing love God has for us.
            And then, look at what Peter’s reaction is.  At first, he does not know how this happened.  Then, he finds out that it’s Jesus who did it.  And once Peter knows it’s Jesus, what does he do?  He dives into the water.  He’s going to get to Jesus as fast as he possibly can.  He’ll swim, he’ll run, he’ll do whatever he can to get close to Jesus again.  He wants nothing more than to worship Jesus and feel Jesus’ love again.  And when he does that, and when the other disciples come, too, Jesus is happy to spend some time with them.  In fact, it looks like that’s what Jesus really wanted to do.
            When we receive God’s help, when we feel God’s love, that’s the reaction you and I need to have.  At first, when it seems like something went right and we don’t know why, we may not know how it happened.  But then, if we think about it, if we open our hearts, we’ll realize it was God who did it.  And then, we need to get to God as fast as we possibly can.  We need to do whatever it takes to get close to God.  We should want nothing more than to worship God and feel God’s love again.  And when we do that, God will be happy to spend some time with us.  In fact, that’s what God really wants to do.
            Now notice, at this point in the story, Peter still does not know what he’s supposed to do.  Neither do any of the other disciples.  They’ll find out later, and we’ll talk about that next week, but right now they don’t know.  But at this stage, they really don’t care.  They know they’re in the presence of Jesus, and at this moment, that’s really all they need to know.
            And I think you and I can relate to that, too.  It’s okay if sometimes we don’t know what we’re supposed to do.  We’ll find out later, at the right time.  It’s okay if, right now, we don’t know.  If we’re in the presence of God, if we know God is with us, that’s all we really need to know, too.
            So as we look at this simple story, we find, again, that there are a lot more lessons here for us than we might have thought.  One is that the knowledge that Jesus is alive needs to change us in some way.  But at first, we may not know what that change is supposed to be.  And sometimes, that’s okay.  God won’t get mad at us for that.  In fact, God will help us do what we’re doing.  God will help us do it better.
            But when God does that, we need to be aware of it.  We still may not know what we’re supposed to, but that’s okay.  We just need to stay close to God until we do know.  Eventually, when the time is right, God will tell us what we’re supposed to do.  Until then, we just need to stay in God’s presence and know that God is with us.  God wants to spend time with you.

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