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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Confirmation Sunday

We had Confirmation Sunday this week.  That’s one of my favorite Sundays of the year.  It’s always wonderful to welcome new people into the church, of course.  But my favorite part of the day is listening to the students read their statements of faith.

Confirmation class ran from September through the first part of May.  We met every week.  We covered a wide variety of topics.  We covered some of the Old Testament and some of the New Testament.  We talked about church history in general and United Methodist history in particular.  We tried to hit as many of the important points of our Christian faith, and of our faith as United Methodists, as we can.

And after a while, as the one who leads the class, I start to wonder.  Are they getting any of it?  Are they understanding any of the stuff I’m trying to teach them?  Are they really growing in their faith?  Are they really feeling a stronger connection with God?  Do they understand what it means to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior?  Or is this stuff just bouncing off them?  Are they just here because their parents made them come, and so they’ll do the minimum they have to do to get through it?  Or do they really want to know more about God and to be able to open their hearts to the leading of the Holy Spirit?

Those of you who’ve taught anything—church school, regular school, or have just tried to teach anyone anything—will understand this.  You’re doing your best, you’re trying to teach them the best way you know how.  You hope they’re getting it—but are they?  A lot of times, it can be really hard to tell.

And then comes Confirmation Sunday.  And the students read their statements of faith.  And I think, yes!  Yes, they are getting it!  They are growing in their faith!  They do feel a stronger connection with God and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior!  They were not just sitting there letting this stuff bounce of them.  They actually absorbed some of it.  More than that, they actually thought about it!  They really are trying to get closer to God and to let themselves be led by God’s Holy Spirit!

It’s a wonderful feeling.  It’s one of the best feelings you get as a pastor.  It’s a good feeling I’ll carry with me for weeks to come.

You know, if you watch the news, it’s easy to get discouraged about young people.  But I can tell you there are some really awesome young people around here.  And we have some of them in our parish.  It makes me feel pretty good to know that.  I hope it makes you feel pretty good, too.

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