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Monday, December 10, 2012

Getting in God's Way

Below is the message given at Oahe Manor Sunday, December 9.  The scripture used is Luke 3:1-6.

Think about what that Scripture said we’re supposed to do.  “Prepare the way for the Lord.  Make straight paths for him.”  We’re supposed to fill in the valleys, knock down the hills, straighten out the crooked roads, and make the rough places smooth.  In other words, we’re supposed to clear the path for Jesus.  We’re supposed to make sure nothing is in the Lord’s way, so the people will see God’s salvation.

What are the things that get in the Lord’s way?  What could get in the Lord’s way?  I mean, this is God we’re talking about here.  God is all-powerful.  God could clear the path without our help, right?  So why are we told that we should do it?

Well, I don’t know that I have the whole answer, but here’s what I think.  I think that at least one of the reasons we’re told to clear the path for God is that one of the things that’s in that path is us, ourselves.  You and I get in God’s way.  We keep God from doing the things God wants to do and reaching the people God wants to reach.

Now, how can we do that?  After all, if God is all-powerful, then by definition God is a lot more powerful than we are.  How could you and I stop God from doing things God wants to do?

Well, God is more powerful than you and I are, but God also chooses to give us free will.  God allows us to do the things we choose to do, even when those things are different from what God wants us to do.  God may not approve of our choices, but God does not take away our ability to make those choices.  That means that you and I, by the choices we make, can get in God’s way.  That does not just apply to God’s ability to reach us, ourselves, but it applies to God’s ability to reach others.  You and I can get in God’s way and stop God from reaching other people.

We do that in a lot of ways.  Most of the time, we don’t even realize we’re doing it.  We think we’re just living our lives, doing what we do.  A lot of times, we’re not even particularly thinking about God, much less thinking about getting in God’s way.

Here’s the thing, though.  As Christians, you and I are God’s representatives on earth.  We’re especially God’s representatives to people who are not particularly Christians.  If someone does not feel any particular connection to God or to a church, and they know that we say we do, then the things we do and say are going to be what that person thinks a Christian is.

That can be kind of scary.  Most of us probably don’t feel that we’re qualified to be God’s representatives.  We know we’re not perfect.  In fact, when we’re honest with ourselves, most of us know exactly how not perfect we are.  It’s kind of scary to think that people will get their impression of what a Christian is from us.

But they do.  So, if we say something mean or critical, some people will think that’s the sort of thing a Christian says.  If we’re appear to be sour or in a bad mood, some people will think that’s the attitude a Christian has.  If we act like we’re only concerned with ourselves and don’t care about others, some people will think that’s how a Christian acts.

That’s when we’re getting in God’s way.  Because none of those things will be particularly attractive to people.  None of those things would make people think well of Christians.  In fact, if that’s what people see me or you doing as Christians, they’re likely to say, “If that’s what a Christian is, I don’t want any part of it.”

Being God’s representative can be kind of scary.  On the other hand, think of the opportunity we have!  If we go out of our way to say positive things and praise others, some people will think that’s the sort of thing a Christian says.  If we appear to be happy and in a good mood, some people will think that’s the attitude a Christian have.  If we go out of our way to care for and show concern for others, some people will think that’s how a Christian acts.

And that will be attractive to people.  Those things do make people think well of Christians.  In fact, if that’s what people see me or you doing as Christians, they may say, “You know, I’d like to be like that.  Maybe I should find out more about why those people are that way.”

When we let people know we’re Christians, we’re holding ourselves out as God’s representatives.  That can be scary, but it’s also a tremendous opportunity.  Let’s do everything we can to take advantage of that opportunity.  Let’s make straight paths for God.

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