So there was another school
shooting last week. You’ve heard all about that. Lots of people
have weighed in on what should be done. I have not. Why not?
Because I have no idea what I could say that a) would be useful and b)
that you haven’t heard better said by lots of other people by now.
You should pray, of course.
But I certainly hope you didn’t need me to tell you that. Prayer is
clearly an important thing to do, in all circumstances. Sometimes, maybe
all the time, prayer is the most important thing we can do. But is it the
only thing we should do?
Most people agree that the
answer is no. People agree that something more needs to be done.
The problem is that people don’t agree on what that something is.
Many people are convinced, beyond doubt, that they know exactly what
should be done. That’s okay--we’re all entitled to our opinions.
Maybe some of them are even right.
The thing is though, that
when we are convinced, beyond doubt, that we know exactly what should be done,
it’s very tempting to stop listening to any opinion that disagrees with ours.
And from there, it’s another short step to believe that our opinion is so
obviously correct that any reasonable, rational person would have to agree with
us. And once we believe that, it logically follows that anyone who
disagrees with us must be either a) stupid, b) uncaring, or c) downright evil.
I’m not saying that applies
to you. But I’ve heard and seen an awful lot of that sort of thing in the
aftermath of the latest school shooting. I’ve heard and seen it in a lot
of other areas, too. It’s not helpful. Once we reach that point, it
becomes impossible to have any kind of reasonable conversation. People just
talk past each other, not hearing what others have to say, not interested in
what others think or why they think it. Which is why, after every school
shooting, we hear the same people say the same things. And nothing ever
I don’t have the answer.
I don’t pretend to have the answer. But I know that we’re not going
to get anywhere, on this issue and on other issues, as long as people believe
that anyone who disagrees with them is stupid, uncaring, or evil. The
only way we’re going to get any place is for people with different opinions to
actually listen to each other. The only way we’re going to get any place
is for people to understand that a reasonable, rational person can see the same
situation we do and look at it differently. The only way we’re going to
get any place is for people to understand that people who disagree with them
sincerely want what’s best, but just disagree on what that best is and how to
get there.
Will that happen? I
don’t know. To be honest, I don’t see a lot of signs of it. But since
we can’t control what anyone else does, the only way we can start is with you
and me. If you and I decide that we’ll listen to people who disagree,
that we’ll understand that people who disagree with us are not stupid,
uncaring, or evil, but just have a different way of looking at things, maybe
it’ll spread. Maybe other people will start doing it, too. Maybe
not. I don’t know. But we have to start someplace, and the only
place I know to start is with me and you.
So please, do pray.
Pray for the victims of the shooting, of course. But also pray that
we will be able to discuss what to do humbly, with respect, with understanding,
and with love. Pray that we will actually listen to each other and try to
see where other people are coming from. It doesn’t mean we’ll all agree,
and we don’t have to. And maybe we still won’t be able to find an answer.
But if we’re going to find an answer, it’s going to come from people
working together with respect and with love.
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