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Friday, August 27, 2021

Ball of Confusion

This is the message given in the United Methodist churches of the Wheatland Parish on Sunday morning, August 29, 2021.  The Bible verses used are Isaiah 63:7-16.

            There’s an old song by the Temptations called “Ball of Confusion (That’s What the World Is Today)”.  The song is about fifty years old, but the title is just as accurate today as it was then, if not more accurate.

            It also was pretty accurate about two thousand seven hundred years ago, when the book of Isaiah was written.  Maybe not the whole world, but at least the part that the people of Israel lived in back in Isaiah’s time, was a ball of confusion.  Israel had enemies on all sides.  The very existence of the nation was threatened.  

            The people of Israel did not understand what was going on.  After all, they were supposed to be God’s chosen people.  God was supposed to protect them.  God was supposed to take care of them.  God was supposed to make them prosper.  How could these terrible things be happening to them?

            Isaiah explains it.  He mentions all the good things God had done for Israel, things done not because Israel deserved them, but because of God’s great compassion and kindness.  He tells how God said, “Surely they are my people, children who will be true to me.”  And because they were God’s people, God’s children, God showed them love and mercy and carried them to success and prosperity, for many years and many generations.

But then, as Isaiah says, “they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit.”  And they continued to do so.  And continued to do so.  And finally, God had enough.  And so, as Isaiah says, God “turned and became their enemy and He Himself fought against them.”

The people of Israel had brought this on themselves.  And yet, they still could not understand it.  They were saying, in effect, “God, where did you go?  Why are you not helping us?  You always helped us before.  Why are you not there for us now?

What had happened is that the people of Israel had taken God for granted.  God had always taken care of them.  Therefore, God always would take care of them, no matter what they did.  After all, they were God’s chosen people, right?  God owed it to them to take care of them.

And they found out different.  It was not that God did not love them.  It was not that God did not care about them.  But as the Apostle Paul says in Galatians, Chapter Six, God is not to be mocked.  God is not to be taken for granted.  When they did not pay attention to God, when they did not honor God and worship God, God took away His support from them.  Not because God did not love them, but because God loved them enough to discipline them.  God loved them enough to remind them of who He is.  God loved them enough to remind them that He is the almighty, all-powerful God.  God loved them enough to remind them to worship Him and honor Him.  Not because God is vain and needs to hear our praise, but because God deserves that because of who God is.

As I said, our current situation is not all that different.  The world feels like a ball of confusion today, too.  It seems like the news is uniformly bad.  Terrorists have taken over Afghanistan.  COVID cases are back on the rise.  Prices are going up.  We’re once again starting to have shortages of certain things.  There are wildfires and hurricanes and earthquakes.  There are incidents of rioting and lawlessness.  And that’s just a sampling--there are many other things we could mention.

In going through this, I want to make clear that my point is not to point a finger of blame at anyone for it.  My point is, simply, that there’s a lot of bad news right now.  And a lot of the time, we feel like we don’t understand what’s going on.

Now, I want to point out one distinct difference between us and the nation of Israel.  The Bible says that the people of Israel were, in fact, God’s chosen people.  Nowhere does the Bible say the people of the United States of America are God’s chosen people.  The Bible was written long before any human being had any idea that there would even be a United States of America.

But at the same time, I think it’s undeniable that God has blessed the United States of America in many ways.  We live in a big and beautiful and bountiful land.  We have enjoyed prosperity to a degree that probably no other country ever has.  And there are a lot of reasons for that, but one of them is certainly the blessings of almighty God.

And it’s also undeniable that people are turning away from God.  Thirty years ago, eighty-five percent of Americans claimed to be Christians.  Now, it’s sixty-five percent.  Only twenty-four percent attend church on a weekly basis.  Of born-again Christians--note, this is not all Christians, this is people who specifically say they have been born again--of born-again Christians less than forty percent say that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.  

None of this is probably big news to you.  Most of us have probably noticed the decline of Christianity in the United States.  All this really does is quantify it, put numbers to what you already knew was happening.  We, as a society, have taken God for granted.  We’ve assumed that, because God had blessed us in the past, God would continue to bless us, no matter what we did.  We’ve acted as if God owed it to us to bless us.  And you see the results of our turning away from God in the society that’s all around us.  Our society is, again, a ball of confusion.

But the question is, what do we do about it?  Because we can sit here all day long and talk about how society has turned away from God.  And that might make us feel better.  It might make us feel superior, to criticize society in that way.  But if we’re not going to do anything about it, nothing’s going to change.  Things will just continue to decline.

And we say, well, but what can we do?  We’re just a handful of people.  We’re sitting here in this little church in this little town in this little state.  Nobody’s going to care what we think or what we do.  There’s nothing we can do about any of this.

Well, that is one response.  And if that’s the response we go with, then we’ll be right.  There will be nothing we can do, because we’ve decided not to try.

But what if, instead, we went to God?  What if we went to God and asked God, what can we do about this?  What if we each went to God, and specifically said, God, what can I do about this?  What do you think God’s response would be?

Well, I don’t know.  But I’m pretty sure God’s response will not be “Nothing”.  I’m pretty sure that, if we go to God in this way, God will give us something to do in response to all this.

Now, I’m not saying that God is going to tell you to go out and lead a nationwide revival movement.  However, I’m not saying that God is not going to tell you that, either.  After all, every great movement had to start somewhere, with someone.  The Bible has all kinds of examples of God calling unlikely people to do great things.  There is no reason God could not choose you.  Or me.

But if God does not tell you that, that’s not an excuse for doing nothing.  Again, if we each go to God, and ask, “God, what can I do about this?”, God will give us something to do.  It might be doing something to turn our community toward God.  It might be doing something to turn your family or your friends toward God.  It might be doing something that will turn just one person toward God.  I don’t know what it will be.  But I know that if we truly ask God what we can do, God will not tell us to do nothing.  God will give us something to do.

So think about it.  Pray about it.  Ask God, “What can I do?”  Because here’s what I know.  If the Christians, the people who have not turned away from God, do nothing to change this, then nothing is going to change.  Our country will continue to turn farther and farther away from God.  And things will continue to get worse and worse.

It’s up to us as Christians.  No one else is going to turn this country back to God.  No one else is going to resolve this ball of confusion.  If it’s going to happen, if the country is going to turn back to God, it will be the Christians who do it.  Led, of course, by the all-powerful, awesome God that we worship.

Let’s not surrender to the ball of confusion.  Let’s ask God what we should do.  Then, let’s do it.  Let’s help bring this country back to God.  If it’s going to happen, it’s up to the Christians.  In other words, it’s up to us.


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