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Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like...

When Jesus was on earth, he would sometimes try to explain what the kingdom of God is like.  He did that using things that were familiar to his audience.  He would say things like, “the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed” or “the kingdom of God is like yeast in dough.”

Those were perfectly good analogies at that time.  The thing is, society has changed.  We don’t have mustard seeds around here--most of us have never even seen one.  And very few people bake bread any more, so the whole “yeast in dough” thing does not work very well for us.  So, I started thinking about what Jesus might use if he was around today.  It could be a lot of things, probably, but here’s one I thought of.

You know those little drink packets you can get to flavor water?  Crystal Light makes them, so do several other companies.  I really like them.  You get the benefits of water, but you also get something that tastes good.  The packets are small, but they’ll give flavor to a full twenty-ounce bottle of water.

So, here’s what I thought of.  The kingdom of God is like a drink packet.  It’s a small thing.  It looks like it could hardly do anything.  But you put it in a bottle of water, and it changes everything about the water.  There’s nothing in the bottle that’s left untouched.  And not only does it change it, it makes it better in every way.

That’s how it is when God’s Holy Spirit enters us.  It may seem small at first.  It may seem like it can hardly do anything.  But when God’s Holy Spirit enters into us, it changes everything about us.  There’s nothing about us that’s left untouched.  And not only does God’s Holy Spirit change us, it makes us better in every way.

So, the nest time you see a bottle of water, or the next time you see a drink packet, think of God’s Holy Spirit.  Think of the Holy Spirit going through your life, just like the powder in that drink packet goes through the water.  And allow the Holy Spirit to change every aspect of your life, just like the powder in the drink packet changes every aspect of the water.

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