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Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I’m wearing new socks today.  And you say, so what?  But you know, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of wearing new socks.  New socks feel different from socks you’ve worn before.  I can’t really explain in what way they feel different, they just do.  They just feel so right, so comfortable, so perfect.  It’s a really neat feeling.  I’d wear new socks every day if I could.

But of course, I can’t.  I can’t afford it, for one thing.  For another, it would be wasteful and, quite frankly, silly to wear a pair of socks once and throw them away.  So, I do what everybody does.  I wash my socks and wear them, and wash them again and wear them again, numerous times.  But you know, the second time you wear a pair of socks, it just doesn’t feel the same.  It feels like, well, just another pair of socks.  That specialness, that newness, is gone.  And they’ll never have it again.

You know, somebody really should invent something that would make old socks feel like new again.  I’d buy it, if it didn’t cost too much.  Maybe President Trump can get on that.  Let’s make socks great again!

This may seem like a stretch to you (stretch--socks--get it?), but I think our lives can be a little bit like that.  We start out brand new, as babies.  And we’re different from everyone else who’s ever been born.  And when we’re born, we’re sinless and perfect.

But we don’t stay sinless and perfect.  We start to make choices, and sometimes we make bad ones.  Sin enters our lives.  We get selfish, or we get lazy, or we do any of a number of other things that keep us from being the people we’re supposed to be, the people we once were.  We’re no longer those sinless, perfect people any more.  We just people.  Flawed, sinful, imperfect people.

But unlike a pair of socks, we don’t have to stay that way.  We can get back to the way we were.  All we need to do is go to God, repent of our sins, and ask for forgiveness.  When we do that, God washes away all of our sins.  But when God washes us, it’s better than Tide or Gain or anything else.  We not only are clean, we can be brand new again.  It’s a really cool thing.  I can’t really explain it adequately.  But it’s true.

So the next time you put on your socks, think about how they felt when they were new.  And think about how you felt when you were new.  Because you can have that feeling again.  Just go to God, repent of your sins, and ask for forgiveness.  And you’ll feel even better than if you’d just put on a new pair of socks.

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